
Visualizzazione dei post da maggio, 2016

lesson 3, part 4: Prepositions, rules

Lesson 3, part 4: preppsitions, rules This is by no means an all encompassing lesson on prepositions. It is a good basis from which to start however. The following is a list of some common Italian simple prepositions (Preposizioni Semplici) italiano di a da in su con per tra fra inglese of at/to/in from/by in/into on/onto/over/above with for between/among between/among esempi La penna è di Giulia. Noi andremo a Roma domani. Sono ritornato da Roma. Loro sono in America. Lei è su un cavallo. Il cane è con Roberto. Questo cibo è per mio padre. Il dizionario è tra due libri. Il ragazzo è fra i suoi fratelli. While the examples above are very similar to the way we would use those prepositions in English it is important to realize that in Italian, prepositions may often be used in ways we would never use those particular words. For example; Vado a Roma. Vado in Italia Vado da Roberto Penso di capire. I am going to Rome. I am going to Italy. ...

Lesson 3, part 3: The prepositions: listen to the song

Here below in bold all the prepositions of the song: È la prima volta che mi capita Prima mi chiudevo in  una scatola Sempre un po’ distante dalle  cose della  vita Perché così profondamente non l’avevo mai sentita E poi ho sentito un’emozione accendersi veloce E farsi strada nel  mio petto senza spegnere la voce E non sentire più tensione solo vita dentro di  me Nessun grado di  separazione Nessun tipo di esitazione Non c’è più nessuna divisione tra di  noi Siamo una sola direzione in  questo universo Che si muove Non c’è nessun grado di  separazione Davo meno spazio al  cuore e più alla  mente Sempre un passo indietro E l’anima in  allerta E guardavo il mondo da  una porta Mai completamente aperta E non da  vicino E no non c’è alcuna esitazione Finalmente dentro di me Nessun grado di  separazione Nessun tipo di esitazione Non c’è più nessuna divisione tra di  noi Siamo una sola di...

Lesson 2, parte 5: Discorso diretto/indiretto: phrasing and sentence

When you report a sentence from direct to indirect speech in italian, you need to modify a couple of words, following strict grammar rules                   DISCORSO DIRETTO ---> DISCORSO INDIRETTO "io"- tu become "lui-lei"   Carla disse: "Io non posso!"   Carla disse che lei non poteva.  "noi - voi"  become "loro"  Paolo disse: "Noi non lo sappiamo!"  Paolo disse che loro non lo sapevano. "mio - tuo" become "suo" Alessio disse: "Mia nonna non vuole venire" Alessio disse che sua nonna non voleva venire. "Nostro - vostro" become "loro" Dissero: "La nostra casa è in ordine!" Dissero che la loro casa era in ordine "Qui - qua"become "li'-la'" Elena mi disse: "Ti aspetto qui!" Elena mi disse che mi aspettava lì "Questo" becomes "quello"  Mario dis...

Lesson 2, part 4, exercises: phrasing and syntaxis

Lesson 2, part 4, exercises: Direct speech and indirect speech Report the following sentences from direct to indirect speech: 1) Giulia dice a Maria: - " La smetti, per favore?" 2) Il dottor Giovanni sosteneva: - " Meglio prevenire, che curare" 3) Sara chiese: - " Che ore sono?" 4) Davide pensava tra se' e se': - " Chissa' cosa mi riserva il fututo". 5) La madre di Franco si volto' e di scatto chiese: - " Chi ha bussato alla porta?" 6) Il bimbo si chiedeva: - " Quale colore e' questo?" 7) La maestro urlo': - " Marco smetti di copiare!" 8) Un saggio greco riteneva: - " Conosci te stesso!" Here below the correct answers: 1) Giulia chiede cortesemente (dice/per favore) a Maria di smetterla. 2) Il dottor Giovanni sosteneva che fosse (congiuntivo imperfetto che dipende da un verbo principale al passato) meglio prevenire che curare. 3) Sara chiese che ore ...

Lesson 2 part 3, Syntaxis and phrasing: direct and indirect speech

Direct and indirect speech Taking in consideration one of the most famous and known fairytale of all the times: "Pinocchio", the wooden boy who rapresents the symbol of liers, whose nose grew up everysingle time he said a lie, but at the same time shows his tender power of mercy thanks to the special relationships which links him to his father (Geppetto), who always tends to forgivr him at the end of the story. The extract showed in the picture, tells a special part of the story, when pinocchio meets the blu Fairy: DIRECT SPEECH (Present tense reporting verb) -La fata dice a Pinocchio:  "Tu non puoi crescere, perche' i burattini non crescono mai" "Comincerai ad andare a scuola." "Torna a casa prima che faccia notte" Typical items of the direct speech in italian: - "   " brackets -"Tu..." first capital letter -"comincerai....torna" verbs in form of command or esortation (imperative...

Lesson 1 part 4, phonetics: the sound of "h" italian and czech in comparison. Keys of the previous lesson

Lesson 1 part 4, phonetics: the sound of "h" Keys of the previous lesson 1) pic 1: Alexander Dubceck, czech politician 2) pic 3: Name of river: Moldova: M O L D O V A (spelling) The letter "h" ITALIAN Nella lingua italiana la lettera H è muta, cioè non rappresenta un suono, ma soltanto un segno, ha perciò valore e funzione nella sola ortografia. Con la lettera H si contrassegnano alcune forme del verbo avere: io ho, tu hai, egli ha, essi hanno; Si adopera nelle interiezioni : oh!, ah!, ahi!, ahimé! ecc. Serve soprattutto per i digrammi ch e gh, a cui assicura il suono gutturale anche davanti alle vocali palatali e, i. Esempi : gioco - giochi / chicco - chicchi lago - laghi / lungo - lunghi CZECH Always thought that Czech "h" is pronounced exactly like Belarusian or Ukrainian "h" ("г"). Now that I am in Prague, I noticed that people pronounce it exactly as an English "h". It seems, especially the young people...


Prague, Czech Republic Describe in a few words the two pics below: Who is the famous czech politician of the first pic? (I'm the one on the left side;) What's the name of the famous River that crosses the Charles Bridge in the second pic? (Me again with friend having fun,) Answer the two questions and spell the two names. The next lesson will be about a comparison between the sound of "h" in Czech and in the slavic languages and the sound of the same letter in italian.

Lesson 7, part 3, Ammaniti: Io e te, Analysis of text

Lesson 7, part 3, Ammaniti: Io e te, Analysis of text this is an original, thought-provoking and well-written piece of fiction by the author of I'm Not Scared and I'll Steal You Away. Ammaniti empathises with adolescents' problems, their rites of passage and complex relationships, often setting stories at the margins of society. The adolescent is the perfect chrysalis to explore the themes of transformation. Ammaniti takes us on a remarkable voyage through the fear of future responsibility which awaits young people on the brink of adulthood and laces it with all the irony, self-criticism and self-indulgence familiar to that age-group. This is a powerful novel, which asks us to consider the relationships we have with our own siblings and the memories of our own adolescence. Picture of Ara Pacis, one of the most enchanting museum of Rome, where the b

Lesson 7, Ammaniti Io e te

Lesson 7, part 2: Ammaniti, Io e te The title of Niccolò Ammaniti's latest novel prompts expectations of yet another story of love and romance. It is something much more unusual. Me and You refers, most obviously, to the story of Lorenzo Cuni, a 14-year-old boy from Rome, and his half-sister, the 23-year-old Olimpia. Lorenzo is a bright boy with a "perfect" life. He lives in a beautiful palazzo in the wealthiest area of the Eternal City, has loving parents and attends a grammar school. But beneath this privileged veneer lie dark shadows. He has difficulties in relating to his peers; he has no friends, and this worries his parents. Lorenzo tries to fit in by imitating his classmates. He chooses the mimetic tactic of behaving like a fly which, by camouflaging itself as a wasp, avoids their attacks. His camouflage consists of talking back to tutors, not doing his homework, making "cool" jokes and showing off with a trumped-up self-confidence. After overhearing...

Lesson 7, Niccolo' Ammaniti (life and works)

Niccolò Ammaniti (Italian pronunciation: [nikkoˈlɔ ammaˈniːti]; born 25 September 1966) is an Italian writer, winner of the Premio Strega on 2007 for As God Commands (also published under the title The Crossroads). He became noted in 2001 with the publication of I'm Not Scared (Io non ho paura), a novel which was later made into a movie directed by Gabriele Salvatores. Niccolò Ammaniti was born in Rome and studied Biologic Sciences without ever getting a degree.His first novel, named Branchie, was published by Ediesse in 1994, before its credits were bought by Einaudi in 1997.Allegedly, it was stemming from an adaption of his never completed dissertation.In 1999, Branchie was translated into a movie with the same title.[5] In 1995 Ammaniti published, together with his father Massimo, the essay Nel nome del figlio.[3] In 1996 he appeared with his sister in the low-budget movie Growing A...

Lesson 6, Free writing: Poetry

Pablo Neruda- Se saprai starmi vicino Read the poem and dream, reflect, chill out...ENJOY

Lesson 6, Free writings: tecniques and new strategies to improve the skills of italian as "free language"

Lesson 6, Free Writings This section has the goal to explore the powerful energy of Italian through many different ways of Communication and Expressions: Arts, Food, Fashion, Information Tecnology, Newspapers' news, History, Literature, Travels, Music, Cinema, Theatre and more. The very first exercise which is asked in my blog is the reflection starting from a statement or a simple sentence pronounced by a famous italian character, in order to stimulate the "free writing"of a brief essay about the item or the content highlighted. Today's first item is "L'indipendenza culturale" and the first famous italian character which inspires this idea is GIUSEPPE MAZZINI Let's reflect about the sentence below: "I popoli devono lottare per la propria indipendenza culturale per marciare insieme verso il progresso" "The populations must fight to reach their own cultural indipendence and march together towards the progress" ...

Lesson 5, part 2, Genders and numbers of nouns

Lesson 5, part 2, Genders and numbers of nouns. Most Italian nouns (i nomi) end in a vowel. Nouns that end in a consonant are of foreign origin. All nouns in Italian have a gender (il genere); that is, they are either masculine or feminine, even those referring not to people but to things, qualities, or ideas. Generally, nouns ending in -o are masculine, nouns ending in -a are feminine. MASCULINE: amico, treno, dollaro, panino FEMININE: amica, bicicletta, lira, studentessa Nouns ending in -e may be masculine or feminine. The gender of these nouns must be memorized. MASCULINE: studente, ristorante, caffè FEMININE: automobile, notte, arte Nouns ending -ione are generally feminine, while nouns ending in -ore are almost always masculine. televisione (f.) television attore (m.) actor nazione (f.) nation autore (m.) author opinione (f.) opinion professore (m.) professor Nouns ending in a consonant are usually masculine. bar, autobus, film, sport Abbreviated nouns ...

Lesson 5, Genders and numbers of nouns- Keys

Lesson 5, Genders and numbersof nouns Take a look at the picture below, count the objects and choose the correct form of the words in brackets (plural or singular) Solutions: (Biscotto/Biscotti)/ Biscotti (Pera/pere)/ Pere (noce/noci)/ Noci (mela rossa/mele rosse) /mela rossa (mela giallia/mele gialle)/ mele gialle (salame/salami)/ Salame (birra/birre)/ Birre (cocomero/cocomeri)/ Cocomero o Anguria

Lesson 4, part 2, infinitive form

Lesson 4, part 2, infinitive form Verbs are doing words, and in Italian, just like in English, they're used to denote an action performed by someone or something. Anything you or anyone else does needs a verb so that you can do it. You can't run without verbs, you can't sing without verbs. Let's face it, without verbs you just can't do anything at all. Love, breathe, live... All verbs. So let's hear it for the mighty verb, and let's find out more about exactly how verbs work in Italian... Italian verbs are divided into three patterns of conjugation, according to the ending of the infinitive form: Verbs ending in the infinitive with - ARE: cantare- to sing ballare- to dance sognare- to dream Verbs ending in the infinitive with - ERE: correre- to run vedere- to see temere- to fear verbs ending in the infinitive with - IRE: dormire- to sleep venire- to come sentire- to hear or to feel

Lesson 4,Verbs- Infinitive

Keys:in bold you'll find all the verbs in the infinitive form. Quando ti metterai in viaggio per Itaca devi augurarti che la strada sia lunga, fertile in avventure e in esperienze. I Lestrigoni e i Ciclopi o la furia di Nettuno non   temere , non sarà questo il genere di incontri se il pensiero resta alto e un sentimento fermo guida il tuo spirito e il tuo corpo. In Ciclopi e Lestrigoni, no certo, nè nell’irato Nettuno incapperai se non li porti dentro se l’anima non te li mette contro. Devi augurar ti che la strada sia lunga. Che i mattini d’estate siano tanti quando nei porti - finalmente e con che gioia - toccherai terra tu per la prima volta: negli empori fenici indugia e acquista madreperle coralli ebano e ambre tutta merce fina, anche profumi penetranti d’ogni sorta; più profumi inebrianti che puoi, va in molte città egizie impara una quantità di cose dai dotti. Sempre devi avere in mente Itaca - raggiunger la sia il pensiero costante. Soprattutt...

Lesson 3, The prepositions part 2

Lesson 3, prepositions part 2 Prepositions are short words which express conditions, directions, specifications, such as of, over, to, from, etc. Prepositions are those little words that mark places in space or time. When prepositions are used together with definite articles, the preposition and the article are sometimes condensed into a single word. When they are not followed (and bound) to articles, they are called "simple prepositions". Simple prepositions: They are words that aren't followed by articles. Simple prepositions are: di (d’) » of A » to Da » from, by, since in » in con » with Tra, fra » between su » on per » for Di: "Di" means "of", indicating possession, or "from" (to be from). Examples: un bicchiere di vino » a glass of wine la città di Roma » the city of Rome il libro di Paolo » Paul's book (literally: "the book of Paul") la madre di Roberto » Robert's mother io sono di Roma...

Lesson 3, The prepositions, Listen to the song

Keys: "The prepositions are all in bold" Vivo per lei da quando sai La prima volta l'ho incontrata, Non mi ricordo come ma Mi è entrata dentro e c'è restata. Vivo per  lei perché mi fa Vibrare forte l'anima, Vivo per  lei e non è un peso. Vivo per lei anch'io lo sai E tu non esserne geloso, Lei è di tutti quelli che Hanno un bisogno sempre acceso, Come uno stere in  camera, Di  chi è da solo e adesso sa, Che è anche per lui, per questo Io vivo  per  lei. È una musa che ci invita A  sfiorarla con le dita, Attraverso un pianoforte La morte è lontana, Io vivo per lei. Vivo per lei che spesso sa Essere dolce e sensuale, A volte picchia in  testa ma è un pugno che non fa mai male. Vivo per lei lo so mi fa Girare di città in  città, Soffrire un po' ma almeno io vivo. È un dolore quando parte. Vivo per lei dentro gli hotels. Con piacere estremo cresce. Vivo per lei n...

Exercises- Phrasing and Syntaxis lesson 2 with correct answers

Lesson 2/ Exercises- Phrasing and syntaxis Order the following sentences and choose the right conjunction in brackets. ps: Just in one case, both the conjunctions are correct. 1) Bisogna/ vivere/ intensamente/ e'/ la vita/ breve (anche se/ perche') 2) La scossa/ forte/ era/ sono crollate/ le pareti. (cosi' tanto...che/ sia...sia) 3) Giovanni/ molto poco/ ha corso/ subito/ si e' stancato. (dal momento che/ affinche') 4) Tanto/ si conta/ sul risparmio energetico/ sia preservato/ il nostro ecosistema. (Cosi' tanto che/ affinche') 5) Interessante/ e' stato/ osservare/ documentarsi/ gli insetti/ sul loro ciclo vitale. ( sia...sia/oppure) 6) A cercare/ hanno provato/ un rimedio/ gli studiosi/ nulla / non hanno scoperto/ancora. ( oppure/ ma) 7) Sarebbe meglio/ andare/ restare/ al cinema/ a casa/? (ma/ oppure). 8) Cosi' tanto tempo/ e' passato/ ti/ non avevo riconosciuto. (dal momento che/ poiche'). 9) Lascia/ vivi/ vivere! (o/...
Lesson 2 Phrasing and Syntaxis To build a sentence in italian means to think as simple as you can. The rules of the general syntaxis explains that the Verb (V) is the main part of a phrase and can be considered a phrase on its own, since the fact that a single verb contains a complete information and can stand alone to represent a single "brick" of meaning. Ex1: Mangio(V)/ I eat. Linking together different" bricks" of phrases you can compose a sentence, which you can create using COORDINATIVE CONJUNCTIONS, such as: "e", "inoltre"(moreover), "eppure", "ma", "sia", "oppure", etc... and SUBORDINATIVE CONJUNCTIONS, such as "anche se", "sebbene", "poiche'", "perche'", "quando", "affinche'", "tanto quanto" etc. Ex2 (Coordination) Mario (S) e' andato (V) a scuola (O) e ha studiato (V2) tanto. Mario went to the scho...
Risultati Esercizi prima lezione (Phonetics) FOCHE CUORE GUFO Add your cities, the followings are mine;) A di Ancona B di Bologna C di Cesena D di Domodossola E di Empoli F di Frosinone G di Genova H di Hoene I di Imola L di Livorno M di Milano N di Napoli O di Otranto P di Palermo Q di Quarto R di Roma S di Savona T di Trapani U di Udine V di Verona Z di Zungri J di Jesolo K di Kamma
                                              Today's first lesson Phonetics: In italian we usually use the name of the cities to spell out words and to stress letters: "B" di Bologna or "C" di Catania or "D" di Domodossola. Map of Italy Following the examples above let's try to find an italian city for each letter of the alphabet, in order to rush through geograpghy as well and maybe who knows, I bet you can find the place for your next "VACATION"!!!! Exercises: Fill the gaps With the right letters 1) FO..... 2) ..ORE 3).....FO

ITAlearning blog per imparare l'Italiano

Do you want to learn italian in a fresh, informal and modern way? Then this is the course for you! I have built a course based on modern italian texts, current news, music and films that will help introduce you to italian or if you already speak someof it, help you to develop your skills. Using games, word-challenge plays, short exercises and real life situations, together we will learn the grammar and vocabulary that you need for the italian language in the 21st century. Sections of the course 1. Phonetics and correct pronunciation 2. Phrasing and syntaxis 3. Prepositions 4. Verbs 5. Genders numbers of nouns 6. Free writing 7. Text: "Io e te" by Ammaniti and the film based on it Requirements: Everyone welcome!!! Goals: Your goals are mine!!! I'm a flexible and fun teacher!! Expected results: At the end of this course I guarantee that you met and surpassed your personal objectives